Thursday, August 5, 2010

Beautiful is always sweet when it is free

It seems that there is a giveaway which i love because of all the nice things i've heard about both books being given.

here is something about Beautiful Creatures by Margaret Stohl and Kami Garcia-
"Ethan Wate is struggling to hide his apathy for his high school "in" crowd in small town Gatlin, South Carolina, until he meets the determinedly "out" Lena Duchannes, the girl of his dreams (literally--she has been in his nightmares for months). What follows is a smart, modern fantasy--a tale of star-crossed lovers and a dark, dangerous secret. Beautiful Creatures is a delicious southern Gothic that charms you from the first page, drawing you into a dark world of magic and mystery until you emerge gasping and blinking, wondering what happened to the last few hours (and how many more you're willing to give up). To tell too much of the plot would spoil the thrill of discovery, and believe me, you will want to uncover the secrets of this richly imagined dark fantasy on your own. --Daphne Durham"

Low Red Moon by Ivy Devlin
"Seventeen-year-old Avery Hood has lived a peaceful yet isolated life deep within the woods until the night of her parents' violent murders. Suddenly orphaned and living with her estranged grandmother, Avery's memories of that night are fragmented. Then Avery meets Ben Dusic, a sexy werewolf with his own tragic past. The two are fatefully connected, able to sense one another's feelings and desires, which leads to intense make-out sessions. Ben senses that Avery is in extreme danger as her parents' home sits empty on valuable land. As Avery reclaims some of her memories, her connection to Ben and her suspicions about his involvement intensify. Avery's first-person narration often seems repetitive as she tries to come to terms with her loss, and the initial pacing seems slow—until things really start to heat up after Avery and Ben make contact. While Twilight comparisons cannot be avoided, this lusty yet somber romance has merit on its own. Grades 7-10. --Kimberly Garnick"

here is the link to this fabulous giveaway please follow the blog its pretty

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